Michael Bierut Talks Logos

99 Percent Invisible is a Radiotopia podcast hosted by Roman Mars. The podcast examines the architecture and design of everyday things, often those hidden in plain sight. In episode 251 Negative Space: Logo Design with Michael Bierut, Mars interviews the Pentagram partner, designer and author. The pair discuss logo designs and redesigns, the impact of logos on politics, passionate fans and how social media provides a platform for the public to weigh in on design, for good or bad.

It’s a great episode, from a favorite podcast. Have a listen.


99 Percent Invisible
Michael Bierut

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The designs presented here are the property of Insomniac Studios and its clients. If you like the thinking behind this logo design project and would like to put it to work for your company or organization, contact Insomniac Studios.


Restaurant Logo Design


Logo Goes Boom