Finger Lakes FLX Logo

The New York Finger Lakes region is know for quaint vineyards nestled amid rolling bucolic scenery. This logo design exercise creates a consistent and identifiable logo system for the New York Finger Lakes region and its products.

Read the detailed Finger Lakes logo case study. The logo designs and marketing strategies presented here are property of Insomniac Studios. Scroll down for samples.

FLX logo design to promote New York Finger Lakes tourism by Insomniac Studios a Rochester marketing agency copyright 2017.
I Heart FLX t-shirt with iheartflx logo shows support for the New York Finger Lakes. FLX logo design from Insomniac Studios 2017.
I Love FLX logo design promotes the New York Finger Lakes region. Logo design by Insomniac Studios in Rochester, NY. Copyright 2017.
Made in FLX Finger Lakes logo identifies products made in the upstate New York wine region from Insomniac Studios, 2017.

Marketing Case Studies

The logos, design, marketing, advertisements, strategies, concepts and analysis presented are the copyrighted and intellectual property of Insomniac Studios. See more marketing and design case studies.

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University of Rochester